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What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing actual search terms that people use in search engines.

Keywords are like a compass for your SEO campaigns; they tell you where to go and whether or not you’re making progress.

Researching keywords helps you better understand your target audience.

What Does SSEOZI Offer?

SSEOZI will help you discover thousands of keywords to target, along with competitor research and SERP analysis.

Generate Keyword Ideas

If you have your seed keywords figured out, the next step is to generate a large list of relevant keyword ideas, while also getting a good understanding of what people in your niche are searching for in Google.

Analyze the Keywords of Your Competitors

Your competitors have already performed all the hard work of keyword research for you. Therefore you can research the keywords that they rank for and select the best ones.

Traffic Potential

Search volume and clicks are great metrics to understand the popularity and traffic of a single keyword, but you don't need to evaluate keywords by their Search volume or Clicks only. You need to look at the top-ranking results and see how much search traffic they get in total.

A complete workflow for any SEO specialists

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